Turbo Wing® Technology Has Been
Researched,Developed, Tested And Reduced To Practice
- Wind
tunnel and water tests
- Tests
and demonstration with flying model aircraft and powered model watercraft
- Flight
tests and demonstrations with full scale aircraft
- Sea
tests and demonstrations with full scale watercraft
- Covered
by world-wide patents
Turbo Wing® Technology Will
dramatic improvements in the performance and a
100% increase in security of the retrofitted aircraft
dramatic improvements in the performance of retrofitted watercraft
the technology, for example, that permits the production of new aircraft
with the capability to transport up to 3,000,000 pounds of cargo,
3,000 miles at 200 mph without refueling
- Be
the technology, for example, that permits the production of new cargo
watercraft with the capability, at lower cost per ton-mile, to operate
at higher speeds than current cargo crafts and transport heavier payloads
with extended range.
Impact For Industry
- Dramatic
increase in the profitable production
of commercial, industrial and military aircraft
- Increase
usage of watercrafts as commuters and ferries along coastal waters
- Low
cost retrofit for improved performance of crafts already paid for and
in operation
- Dramatic
increase of the airport safety and capacity
Impact For Governments
- Provide
a new major industry
- Rapid
and low cost upgrading of civil and military systems
- Utilize
labor force in distressed areas of the country
- Maintain
and increase lead in worldwide maritime operations
- Mor
effectivity for patrol, combat and search and rescue craft
- By
retrofitting aircraft and watercraft Turbo Wing Technology will reduce
overall fuel consumption, exhaust, and noise pollution.
Wing® Technology Dramatically
Improves Aircraft Performance And Safety
- The
adaptation of Turbo Wing® technology to existing aircraft
is accomplished by the addition of new Turbo Wings to an aircraft or
by a simple low cost modification to the existing wings so as to conform
to a Turbo Wing.
- Drastic
reduction in minimum flight speed
- Takeoff,
landing and lift capability considerably increased
- The
coefficients from 5 to 8, depending on wing/rotor configuration
- Level
flight on rotors alone
- Rate
of climb at least doubled
- Takeoff
and landing distance 1/3 or less than those distances for comparable
aircraft with conventional wings with flaps
- For
the same takeoff speed, take-off gross weight is 2 to 3 times that of
conventional aircraft
- Operating
range increased 50% to 100%
- Considerably
less sensitivity to air turbulence
And Subsystems
- Considerable
increase in operational safety because of low minimum flight speed,
low speed/short distance take-off and landing, high climbing rate and
ability to fly on rotors alone.
- System
components readily available in aircraft inventory
- Operational
and maintenance skill levels identical to those levels on conventional
A Reluctance To Stall
- In
addition to improved performance capabilities of aircraft equipped with
Turbo Wing®, it is of extreme importance to point out that
Turbo Wing® has a reluctance to stall. This practical, essentially
non-stalling capability of the Turbo Wing® in itself provides
an important factor of safety in flight, which is not available in currently
operating aircraft
Turbo Wing® Technology Dramatically
Improves Watercraft Performance And Safety
- Any
marine craft, including hydrofoils, surface effect ships and SWATH crafts
can be retrofitted with Turbo Wing® by attaching the wing
system to the crafts above the waterline
- The
total lift of the wing plus rotor reduces the weight of the craft on
the water and therefore reduces the drag on the hull
- The
forward thrust of the wing partially overcomes the remaining drag of
the hull. The power required therefore to move the craft forward is
considerably reduced
- Increased
high speed capability, especially for search and rescue
- Improved
craft stability and control at all speeds
- Reduced
pounding, reduced vertical "G-Loads"
- Improved
riding comfort
- Reduced
power and fuel requirements
- Increased
range per pound of fuel
- Reduced
speed loss in high seas
- Increased
acceleration from "in the hole planing"
- No
increase in maintenance requirements
- System
components readily available in marine inventory
- To
develop products and engineering innovations to create a safer and more
cost effective transportation environment for the world's public, commercial,
military and search & rescue transportation needs.
